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It was introduced in a Japanese newspaper on November 9th

執筆者の写真: Osamu HayashiOsamu Hayashi


It was introduced in a Japanese newspaper (Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun) on Novemver 9th.

This is what I said when I was interviewed by a newspaper reporter in a newspaper column.

I talked about walking in the mountains at night, and the newspaper reporter wrote it more interestingly. The image is in Japanese, and it's difficult to understand.

So I translated it into English. "When I'm walking in the mountains in the middle of the night, I sometimes feel that I'm staring at something. There are three things." At the time of the interview, Toyama City photographer Osamu Hayashi (62) began to talk.

Mr. Hayashi takes pictures of nature with the theme of light and atmosphere. Since the amount of information in the mountains at night is less than that in the "lower world," the five senses are gradually sharpened and become more sensitive to signs. The three are huge rocks, large trees, and beasts.

Recently, I was surprised and surprised when I walked over the person wearing earphones. Another person on the road was looking at his smartphone and he was unaware of the car coming from behind. He wants to regain his sensitivity to signs in terms of protecting himself.

Autumn of vacation. Even if it's not a mountain at night, why not put your smartphone away and go out naturally? People may be able to regain their original power. Mr.Hayashi also said: "When I'm in the mountains for three days, I want to walk with all my limbs." ※2021年11月9日 北陸中日新聞のコラムで取り上げていただきました。





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